Goodbye Golden Lee 22/09/09- 06/02/23 (Testimonial)
Mr. Adrian Lee and Ms. Vicky (Golden’s owner) had taught us pet ownership is a big responsibility and taking care of pet can be expensive. On the very near end of Jan, Vicky contacted me about pre planning for Golden’s funeral as he is suffering from bone cancer, and the veterinarian said there are 2-month time left. Within a week plus, Golden ended his suffers, he was fighting, his mind is strong and determine till the very last second of his breath, as Golden would want to spent more time with his family. Adrian was mentioning how they have been together with their lives for the past 10 years through thick and thin. Golden’s unwavering love and loyalty was a source of constant comfort and support for the family.
Tears were keep pouring nonstop as the family very much missed, love and care for Golden. The family has spent so much on medical bills with 10 over different types of medicine to save their beloved child. The family was indeed a role model for the pet industry, even on his very last breath, they bought Golden a stroller and walk with Golden near their neighborhood during the sunset for couples of hours. Golden love the naturalness, sniffing around flowers, playing with mud and he enjoy the breeze and mesmerizing weather. Adrian also brought Golden visited some of his best friends and neighbors for the very last time before he leaves.
The family has spent every precious moment and cherish time to feel the texture of his fur, bones and every inch of him. I also remember once Adrian made a little joke that Golden loves to eat and he can finally eat all he wants and play with his new friends at Heaven. The family has accommodated Golden for the best since beginning till the end.
Golden indeed was a very handsome golden retriever and he was very well taken care and clean when I first picked him up. The parent has shown a great example of how pets should be taken care off with unconditional love, not just feeding and playing that simple. Golden will forever leave a footprint on their memories and imprint deep within their heart. Now Golden may run freely and fly high peacefully, without suffering and pain.